Friday, March 11, 2011

-Out with the old and on with the new-

At around twelve this morning I decided I was going to delete my old blog and completely restart.
I was going to stay up super late anyway so I am just glad I used my time productively! I figured I would make it fun and happy using cute quotes and a blinky or two. I can't decide whether or not I like the way Blogger redid everything. It's too confusing..:) Anyway I know I am just rattling on about nothing just so this post will look longer, so I will just stop here. - Rachel

P.S. I promise my other posts will be longer and written better than these measly, five sentences.

1 comment:

  1. Love. it. Rachel! It's fresh and clean and beautiful- just like you! ;) {Cue- awwwww!}
